Leverage is the ability to affect/control a larger portion of the market with a smaller investment.
You would need to choose the leverage when creating a Live Trading account and our Support Agents will not be able to guide you on which leverage amount you should need. We suggest that you check with your Mentor or the internet to understand leverage further if you are not familiar with the term.
Different leverage options will vary depending on the pair/instrument chosen.
Below you will find the Leverage options we offer at NextTrade:
Stocks: 1:20
Cryptos: 1:100*
*Excluding SHBUSD100 which is 1:30.
*For accounts with an equity of over 500K the leverage is 1:50.
Metals: 1:200*
*For accounts with an equity of over 500K the leverage is 1:50.
Indices or Energies: 1:200*
*For accounts with an equity of over 500K the leverage is 1:50.
Forex: 1:500*
*For accounts with an equity of over 500K the leverage is 1:200.
If you would like to change the Leverage, follow these steps:
- You will need to log in and go to the My Accounts tab.
- Click View on the account.
- Click on the three dots next to the Account ID.
- Choose the Change leverage option.
- Select which Leverage Amount you would like.
- Select the Submit button.
If you have any open trades, you will not be able to change the leverage.